«Interesting facts about honey»

  • 9-11-2023

Honey is a unique food product loved by millions of people. Therefore, it is not surprising that many interesting facts and myths are associated with it. We have collected the most interesting facts for you and, taking this opportunity, we will dispel some common myths.

Let’s break down some myths

Myth #1. Honey does not crystallize.

This is a myth. Any honey sooner or later begins to crystallize, provided that it has not been subjected to ultrafiltration and complete decrystallization. Crystallization occurs because honey is oversaturated with an aqueous solution of fructose and glucose. Excess glucose, which water cannot hold, acquires a crystalline form.

Myth #2. Liquid honey is better than crystallized.

Myth. In fact, there is no difference and it does not differ in its benefits, provided that the liquid honey is in its natural state. If the liquid state is caused by heating, then the advantage is on the side of the crystallized, since it has preserved the maximum of useful substances. And in general – buy honey from verified sellers, be interested in quality certificates and you will be happy!

Myth #3. Honey is a strong allergen.

Here we need to understand, although we would rather call it a myth.

Honey allergy does exist, but very few people suffer from it (the prevalence of honey allergy is estimated to be <0.001%). On the contrary, due to the fact that honey contains plant pollen in small quantities, there is a chance that this product of beekeeping will help the body to get used to plant allergens. In any case, if you have an allergy to honey, be careful, don’t take risks and be healthy!

Myth #4. Dark honey is more useful than light honey.

A complete myth. We haven’t seen any research to support this. Here it is more about the taste preferences of different varieties of honey.

Now let’s move on to interesting facts about honey

Fact #1. One bee collects only 1/12 teaspoon of honey in its lifetime.

That’s right, it’s true! 12 bees will collect only 1 teaspoon of honey in their lifetime. Of course, this is a generalized figure, but how many bees need to work to fill even a small jar with honey.

Fact #2. Ukraine is one of the largest producers of honey in the world.

Ukraine is among the five largest producers. Nobody in Europe produces more honey than Ukraine. The total figure of honey production by Ukrainian bees is about 100,000 tons per year.

Fact #3. In the Middle Ages, honey was used to heal wounds.

This is true, because due to the high concentration of sugars, honey has the ability to dry wounds and kill some types of bacteria.

Fact #4. The most expensive honey in the world is from Manuka.

A liter of Manuka honey will cost about $100. This is due to the fact that this honey, as the manufacturer claims, has exceptional antibacterial properties, because it contains methylglyoxal.