«New Brand establishment – first steps!»

  • 2-12-2018


We are happy to inform you on establishment of a new brand Mel Apis, which has a goal to create a new standarts and development a longterm relationship with clients and partners.

Our team make their best to become not just a company, but being a part of life and impulse to development and progress. 

Step by step we are going to change the people imagery on the product which is a bottomline of our activity.

Our goal – crystal reputation in quality and sympathy from the “first touch” to our brand by: consumers, clients and partners. .

Therefore, congratulate us with the birth of a new company and support in the endeavors!

As a first step, with aim to start our trip, we have decided to attend a powerful international exhibition of organic products BIOFACH 2018,  Nuremberg, Germany trendsetter in the field of organic products.

There are so many interesting things ahead! We would inform you about the course of events. Keep up with the news and join our rhythm!

Team of connoisseurs of Ukrainian honey, Мel Apis ?